Files used in the Fire Recovery project are available in the Cumberland Plain folder in CloudStor. Please contact Elise Pendall at HIE for access.
- LAI raw and processed photos from the Biodiversity Plots (A.Hewitt, I.Ljungblom)
- LAS files of individual forest plots; all vegetation, and vegetation above 1.3m (P.Mumford)
- Text document outlining the survey equipment and processing methods. Note that there is a meta data text file in each directory of LAS data (AgnesBanks, WindsorDowns, Londonderry and Castlereagh). (P.Mumford)
- Canopy elevation models (tree crown heights). (P.Mumford)
- Agnes Banks 2018 survey extents KML file (P.Mumford)
- A text document “density_and_heights.txt” that has the calculation results for each tree plot (that was covered by LiDAR survey). Density of first returns (above 1.3m), average height of first returns (above 1.3m), standard dev of heights of first returns (above 1.3m).
- First cut of a metric for “first return density” for each plot (above 1.3m). This is a bit rough as the way it’s calculated the plot area is not accurate. I simply used the LAS file extents to estimate the area, this would be fine for plots aligned North-South-East-West, but would over-estimate for plots on an angle. I will find a way to better estimate the plot areas and recalculate. (P. Mumford)
- A revised text file of Plot density calculations. In the “plot_las” directory of the cloudstor. The text file is a comma – delimited file that can be imported into a spreadsheet for further processing or display. Also a Matlab script used to generate the data. To run the Matlab script, the LAS toolbox is required.
There are a couple of header lines then one line for each plot:
The fields in each line are explained in the header.
Plot_ID, number_of_points, number_of_first_returns, area_estimate_1, first_return_density_1, area_estimate_2, first_return_density_2
IF10, 1405, 624, 406.0, 1.5, 660.0, 0.9
The plot area is estimated by two methods:
1) an area estimate using the point coverage in the actual plot file. This is an underestimate particularly for very sparse plots.
2) an area estimate using the LAS file extents. This is an overestimate as the extents is always a rectangle aligned N-S-E-W, whereas the actual plot can be any alignment.
The density is then simply the number of first returns above 1.3m divided by the area. (P.Mumford)